
What is ahead for the US Dollar given the large Current Account Deficit

The Current Account deficit for the US is at this moment $123 billion per quarter and 3.3% of GDP. This is less than the 6% in 2006 but still at a level that most economists consider to be unsustainable in the long term. The decline is probably caused by the economic situation and could be temporary. So, what does this mean and what is ahead for the US?

In this article we focus on what the consequences could be for the US given its large Current Account deficit and the factors that are driving this deficit.


Be aware of the impact of the Current Account deficit on the future of the Dollar


Four Possible Drivers for Large Current Account Deficits like in the US

Large Current Account deficits are rarely a positive symptom. They reflect often an underlying economic situation that can be unsustainable. The US has a large Current Account deficit. What are the possible drivers for such a large deficit?

This article focuses on the economic symptoms or situations that could lead to a large Current Account deficit.


Drivers for Large Current Acocunt Deficits cause Unbalance


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