Van Beek's blog

S&P 500, DAX, HSI and GOLD Compared for August and 2011

S&P 500, DAX, HSI, GOLD compared for the month of August 2011


Chart 1: S&P 500, DAX, HSI, GOLD compared for the month of August 2011


August was a hectic month. Stock markets moved up and down like a yo-yo.

Gold went as a rocket to crash again… or that was what was said on the news.

Here are two charts that provide you with some perspective of what happened during August.


Are High Dividend Funds Now Your Best Option?

DVY High Dividend Fund Compared with S&P 500 SPY for 2006 to 2011

 High dividend fund DVY compared with S&P 500 fund SPY for 2006 - 2011.


During times of economic turmoil and unrest in the stock markets, many investors start asking themselves if they would be better off when they invest their savings in high dividend funds.

Dividends Matter

Dividends matter for the SPY and S&P 500

 The impact of dividends on the S&P 500 / SPY performance during bull and bear markets.


Do you forget to include the dividends you receive when you analyze your investing returns? You shouldn’t, because dividends can contribute significantly to your gains.

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