Van Beek's blog

Stock Market Trends 2011

2011 stock market trends

Now at the beginning of 2012, it is a good time to look back at the stock market trends of 2011. This will not be the final account. The real review of the long-term stock market trends of 2011 can only take place in 6 months.


How we shall interpret the movements of the last few months will then only be clear. But here is what we can say now already.


US Market Trends


Market Timing Strategy

Long-term stock market timing strategy does not require a stopwatch


Market timing has a bad reputation... which is not completely justified. Opponents say that you cannot be smarter than the market. They argue that you can be lucky a few times but not consistently.

The problem is that the term “market timing” is used for a variety of investing strategies. When you discuss the merits of a market timing strategy, you first want to distinguish between short-term and long-term strategies.

Which Trend Following Book to Read

Trend Following book


Which trend following book to read depends on how you intend to apply what you learn in this book.


There are two different types of readers of trend following books:

  1. Traders
  2. Investors



Traders spend a considerable amount of time each day or week on managing their money and trades. They aim to make a living or additional substantial income from trading.

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