Van Beek's blog

Know When to Enter Before You Exit

It is common wisdom among successful traders that you should know when to exit a trade before you open a trade. This is actually the easy part. The difficult question is when you enter the market again after you exited a trade.

Good and Bad Trades

Good trades are trades that are following a profitable trading system. Bad trades are trades that are done on the fly, based on emotions. Good or bad trades have nothing to do with how profitable that single trade was. Good or bad trades are all about trading long-term in a systematic, profitable way.

At Stock Trend Investing We Believe

At Stock Trend Investing, we believe that also you, even when you are not a finance or investment expert, can make money, grow your savings and protect your wealth in the financial markets.


We believe you can do this through perseverance, knowing your tolerance for risk, and one hour of your time per month.


We believe it makes the world a better place when you, in this way, can achieve more financial freedom for yourself and your family, will endure less financial stress and are free to spend your time on what you really enjoy doing.

Nikkei Gains and Yen Losses

About half of our Stock Trend Investing members invest just in the U.S. markets. The other half invest internationally. You need to know a few things extra when you want to invest your savings in international markets compared to when you invest domestically only. At Stock Trend Investing, we want to help in you in getting the required understanding and insight.

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